Origin Story(3.)

1. 2. 3.

origin Story

II. symbols-Santa Claus

relative activities
I. decorate Xmas tree

II. cards greetings
III. Xmas Songs


Chinese New Year



A bright star appeared in the sky. Wise men saw the star in the East. “A new king is born,” they said. “Let’s go to see him. Let’s bring him gifts.” The wise men saw the child with his mother. They bowed down. “We have come to see the new born king,” they said.

一顆閃亮的星星出現在天空。智者看到東方天際的星星。 「新的君王誕生了,」他們說:「我們帶禮物去探望他吧。」智者看到小孩和他的母親,彎腰行禮,並說:「我們來探望新生的君王。」

They gave him gifts. They gave him gold. They gave frankincense and myrrh. This was the first Christmas. Today people give each other gifts on Christmas. They remember the gifts that the wise men gave to the baby Jesus. 
